
日本介入南海争端的新动向及新特点 被引量:6

New Dynamics and Features of Japan's Intervention in the South China Sea Dispute
摘要 日本从上世纪90年代起开始介入南海问题,近年随着南海争端再度升温,日本的介入不断加剧和升级,已成为继美国之后另一个高调和强力干预南海问题的区外国家。与以往相比,近年日本的介入已呈现出许多新的动向和特点:一是加大制造"中国威胁论"的力度,全面反对中国的领土主权及政策主张;二是利用各种渠道推动南海争端多边化和国际化;三是以"支持能力建设"为名加强与东盟的海上安全合作;四是加快与美国的战略对接,构建日美联合干预体制;五是加强与美澳印的多边协调与合作,筹组遏制中国的"志同道合者"联盟。日本之所以加大介入南海争端,其理由并非像它所公开声称的那样,而是怀有更多、更广的目标。日本的介入虽然不至于对中国在南海维权和维稳构成颠覆性挑战,但由此产生的消极影响值得警惕。 Japan began to get involvedin the South China Sea issue in 1990s. With the recent escalation of the South China Sea dispute, Japan's intervention in it has got intense and upgraded, becoming another country out of the region that gets deeply involved with high profile in the South China Sea issue after the US. Compared with the past, Japan's intervention in recent years has shown many new dynamics and features: first, has intensified the propaganda of 'China Threat' and comprehensively opposed China's territorial sovereignty and policy initiatives; second, has promoted the multilateralization and internationalization of the South China Sea dispute through various channels; third, has strengthened maritime security cooperation with the ASEAN countries in the name of 'supporting their capacity building'; fourth, has sped up the strategic docking with the US and the construction of Japan-US joint intervention system; fifth, has strengthened the multilateral coordination and cooperation with the US, Australia and India, and been busy in forming a coalition of the 'like-minded' to contain China. The reason why Japan has intensified its intervention in the South China Sea dispute is not what it has openly expressed, but involves more and broader objectives. Although Japan's intervention does not pose subversive challenges to China's moves to defense her rights over and maintain stability in the South China Sea, the negative impact emerged from it calls for alert.
作者 杨光海
出处 《和平与发展》 CSSCI 2015年第5期96-113,129-142,共32页 Peace and Development
基金 2011年度国家社会科学基金项目"中国与东盟睦邻关系的建构研究"(项目批准号为11BGJ029)的阶段性成果
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