
高校教师组织认同的现状及其与工作绩效的关系 被引量:18

Relationship Between Organizational Identification and Performance of College Teachers
摘要 本文基于7所高校的433份问卷,分析高校教师组织认同水平在人口统计学变量上的分布差异,并验证组织认同与工作绩效的关系。数据表明,组织认同对工作满意度、任务绩效和组织公民行为均有显著的正向影响。因此,高校管理者可通过提升组织整体声誉、加强团队建设、组织文化建设、满足教师自我实现需要等策略,提高高校教师的组织认同水平,进而提升教师工作绩效和改善组织效能。 Based on the statistical analysis of a sample of 433 college teachers from 7 universities,this paper analyzed the relationship between organizational identification and performance of college teachers in China.The result shows that organizational identification has a significant correlation with job satisfaction,task performance and organizational citizenship behavior.University administrators can improve the organizational identification level by enhancing the organization's overall reputation,strengthening team building and organizational culture,to meet the needs of teachers and other strategies,then contributing to the improvement of teacher performance and organizational performance improvement.
作者 姜红 刘斌
出处 《经济与管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第12期75-81,共7页 Research on Economics and Management
基金 教育部人文社会科学基金青年基金项目"中国高校教师组织认同的结构及其与工作绩效的关系研究"(12YJC880032) 北京市属高等学校人才强教计划项目PHR(IHLB)
关键词 组织认同 任务绩效 组织公民行为 工作满意度 organizational identification task performance organizational citizenship behavior job satisfaction
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