
基于LCA的电脑产品碳足迹评价研究 被引量:3

Research on Carbon Footprint Assessment of Computer Based on LCA
摘要 通过对电脑产品碳足迹评价方法进行分析,提出了电脑产品碳足迹评价的难点在于原材料的复杂和使用阶段的能耗计算。并以某品牌一体机电脑产品碳足迹评价过程为例,给出了难点的解决方式和方法,为电脑产品碳足迹的评价工作提供参考。 This essay analyses and studies the carbon footprint assessment of computer. The difficulty of the assessment is complex raw materials and the measures of energy consumption in usage phase. This paper assess one brand computer carbon footprint, taking it through different stages throughout the article. Given the solving ways and means to the difficulty in order to provide referential experience for carbon footprint assessment of computer.
作者 蒋婷
出处 《信息技术与标准化》 2015年第10期37-40,共4页 Information Technology & Standardization
基金 广东省质量技术监督局科技项目"个人电脑及手机碳足迹评价示范研究" 项目编号:2013CZ06
关键词 电脑 碳足迹 生命周期 能源之星 computer carbon footprint life cycle data collection energy star
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