
多回波快速自旋回波T_2 mapping定量技术评价心肌T_2值的价值

A quantitative T_2 mapping technique by multi-echo fast spin-echo in cardiac magnetic resonance
摘要 目的探讨多回波快速自旋回波序列(MEFSE)的T2mapping定量技术评价左室心肌T2值的价值。方法 30例健康志愿者,均行3.0T心脏磁共振(CMR)Cine电影、T2WI序列、MEFSE T2mapping序列扫描,依据描述性研究方法,探索MEFSE T2mapping序列临床应用的可行性和可重复性,测定感兴趣区T2值,应用方差分析方法统计分析心肌17节段和不同供血区下有无差异。应用Bland^Altman分析和Pearson相关分析方法研究此技术在不同观察者间的一致性。结果健康志愿者17节段心肌T2值不全相等(P<0.01)。不同冠状动脉供血区T2值无统计学差异(F=1.656,P=0.192)。左室心肌平均T2值如下:基底部,(71.6±7.1)ms;中间部,(77.3±9.2)ms;心尖部,(83.0±8.5)ms,差异有统计学意义(F=14.245,P<0.01)。根据Bland-Altman一致性分析和Pearson相关分析得到参数测量在观察者间具有良好的一致性,95%一致性界限(-6.1,24.8)ms,相关系数r=0.809。结论 CMR MEFSE T2mapping定量技术在心脏成像中具有较好的可行性和可重复性。中国健康志愿者中心肌T2值存在节段性差异。 Objective To investigate the clinical feasibility and repeatability of a quantitative T 2 mapping technique by multi-echo fast spin-echo (MEFSE), and to evaluate the left ventricular myocardial T 2 values in different segments.Methods With a 3.0T magnetic resonance (MR) imaging system, according to descriptive research method, cardiovascular magnetic imaging(CMR)was per-formed in 30 healthy volunteers to investigate the clinical feasibility and repeatability of the quantitative MEFSE T 2 mapping technique , combined with Cine and T2WI.T2 values in 17 segments of myocardium and different blood supply areas were measured and compared using one-way ANOVA.The agreement of two radiologists was evaluated by Bland-Altman method and Pearsosn correlation analysis . Results There were differences in the T2 values between some of 17 segmental myocardia (P〈0.01).T2 values were similar in dif-ferent blood supply areas (F=1.656, P=0.192).Mean myocardial T2 values from the base to the apex were different (F=14.245, P〈0.01):(71.6 ±7.1) ms (base), (77.3 ±9.2) ms (middle), (83.0 ±8.5)ms(apex).According to the Bland—Altman meth-od and Pearson correlation analysis , the measurement of T 2 values had a good inter-observer agreement [ 95% limits of agreement (-6.1,24.8) ms, correlation coefficient r=0.809].Conclusions Quantitative CMR MEFSE T2mapping technology is feasible and repeatable .Myocardial T 2 reference values for the specific CMR setting are provided and they have regional variation .
出处 《武警医学》 CAS 2015年第10期1031-1035,1038,共6页 Medical Journal of the Chinese People's Armed Police Force
基金 全军后勤科研十二五重大项目(AKJ11J004)
关键词 心脏磁共振 T2 MAPPING 健康志愿者 cardiac magnetic resonance T2 mapping normal volunteers
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