
石墨烯纳米复合材料在光催化应用中的研究进展 被引量:9

Review on Graphene Nanocomposites in Photocatalytic Applications
摘要 石墨烯即"单层石墨片",是近年来人们发现和合成的具有独特的单原子层、二维晶体结构的纳米材料。利用石墨烯与半导体材料复合以提高光催化活性,已成为新型光催化研究的热点之一。对石墨烯及其应用进行了简单的叙述,重点报道了石墨烯在光催化制氢、光催化降解和光电转换应用方面的研究动态,以及用不同方法合成的石墨烯光催化复合材料,为以后石墨烯与其他材料的复合提供了实验依据。 Graphene, which consists of an unique one-atom-thick planar sheet and a two-dimensional crystal structure , was found and synthesised as a nanomaterial in recent years. In order to improve the photocatalytic activi- ty, combining graphene and semiconductor materials had been thought as one of hot topics which study new type of photocatalytic. The properties of graphene and its application is simply introduced, and the current research status o{ graphene in photocatalytic hydrogen production, photocatalytic degradation and photoelectric conversion, as well as graphene photocatalytic composite materials which are synthesised by different methods, are mainly reported to pro- vide the experimental basis for preparing graphene composite materials later.
出处 《材料导报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第19期146-151,共6页 Materials Reports
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(5173102) 上海高校学科专业建设项目(11XK18B XKCZ1205) 上海市科委地方高校能力建设项目(11490501500)
关键词 光催化 制氢 降解 光电转换 石墨烯 photocatalytic, hydrogen production, degradation, photoelectric conversion, graphene
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