
基于PaaS的云应用软件部署环境的元模型 被引量:4

Meta-model of PaaS-based Cloud Application's Deployment Environment
摘要 PaaS是云计算的一种服务模式,用于提供应用程序容器服务。在PaaS上部署云应用软件的主要方式是调用API和编辑配置文件,这需要很大的学习成本并且容易出错。不同PaaS的API和配置文件有不同的语法,在PaaS上很难进行应用的迁移以及跨平台或多平台部署。提出了基于PaaS的云应用软件的部署环境的元模型,它降低了学习成本,使得部署过程更加自动化,简化了应用迁移,使跨平台或多平台部署成为可能。 PaaS is one of the service paradigms of cloud computing, which is used to provide the application container service. Calling API and editing configuration files are the main way of cloud application deployment in PaaS, which needs a lot of learning costs and are error-prone. API and configuration files of different PaaS have different syntax, as a result, application migration on PaaS is very difficult and cross-platform or multi-platform deployment is scarcely possi- ble. This article proposed the meta-model of PaaS-based cloud application's deployment environment, which can lower the learning costs,make the deployment process more automated, simplify application migration, and make cross-plat- form or multi-platform deployment possible.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第10期45-49,80,共6页 Computer Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(61272159) 北京市自然科学基金(4122036)资助
关键词 部署 元模型 建模 模型驱动 PaaS, Deployment, Meta-model, Modeling, Model-driven
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