

Experimental study of small-scale direct current-discharge excited continuous-wave DF chemical laser
摘要 对一台小型电激励连续波DF化学激光器进行了实验研究,在光轴位于喷管阵列出口平面下游10mm处和15mm处分别进行了出光实验,得到188.4W和205.8W的DF激光输出,输出激光波长为3.6-4.1μm,激光器的电效率分别为2.3%和2.5%。该小型电激励连续波DF化学激光器长时间(100s)运行的功率稳定性峰谷值和均方根值分别为±1.04%和0.49%,工作状态较为稳定,实验可重复性好,操作方便,是强光条件下镜片膜层吸收系数测量的适用红外激光光源。 A small-scale direct current(DC)-discharge excited continuous-wave(CW)DF chemical laser is studied through experiments.The output power of the laser reached 188.4Wand 205.8W,at about 10 mm and 15 mm downstream of the nozzle exit plane respectively,at the wavelength of 3.6-4.1μm.The electrical-to-laser power conversion efficiency was about 2.3%and 2.5% respectively.The experiments show good PV stability of about±1.04% and RMA stability of about 0.49% for long time(100s)running,and good repeatability.This small-scale DC-discharge excited CW DF chemical laser performs well and operates simply,is an applicable infrared laser source for absorption measurement of the optical films under high power density.
出处 《强激光与粒子束》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第11期33-37,共5页 High Power Laser and Particle Beams
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(10974255)
关键词 激光器 电激励DF化学激光器 红外激光光源 laser DC-discharge excited DF chemical laser infrared laser source
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