
开放政府数据评价方法研究 被引量:18

Research on Evaluation Method of Open Government Data
摘要 文章分析了全球首个全面系统地评价开放政府数据的项目Open Data Barometer,对该项目使用的评价指标和评价方法进行了全面深入的剖析。基于本文的分析,比较了在开放政府数据中得分最高排在首位的英国以及排位靠后的中国的各项指标的得分情况,看到了中国与英国之间的开放鸿沟(Open Divide)主要体现在:(1)中国在国家层面没有明确的开放政府数据计划;(2)关键数据集的开放程度很低;(3)关于开放政府数据的影响,有力的证据几乎没有。通过比较这些详细指标的得分情况,能让我们更加清楚地认识到中国开放政府数据在哪些方面存在不足。 This paper studies the world's first comprehensive and systematic evaluation project of open govern- ment data, Open Data Barometer 2013 Report, which accesses the true prevalence and impact of open government da- ta around the world. The detailed evaluation methods used in the project are analyzed thoroughly. Based on the analy- sis of this article, the authors compare the scores of individual items between the United Kingdom which ranks the first with the highest score and China which ranks the 63rd among 77 countries. From the analysis results, the authors find clearly the open divide between the United Kingdom government providing good transparency and valuable informa- tion available for use and China government where it has no explicit open data initiative at the national level, avail- ability of key open datasets is among the lowest, strong evidence on the impacts of open government data is almost lacking. After this comparison with respect to 32 indexes values, the authors see clearly which are lagged in related to open government data in China.
作者 杨孟辉 刘华
出处 《情报资料工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期40-45,共6页 Information and Documentation Services
基金 中国人民大学科学研究基金项目"借助长期Web文档解析社会行为的方法和技术的研究"(编号:10XNJ036)的研究成果之一
关键词 开放数据 开放政府数据 评价方法 open data, open government data, evaluation method
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