以蚌埠至五河高速公路项目案例为基础,以PPP模式实施流程为主线,对其主要风险因素进行识别和分析,并对其风险公平分配的关键——项目合同体系的建立进行重点解析,为之后项目的 PPP投资协议、合资合同及具体项目特许经营协议的谈判和制定提供范例,在不损害此类项目本身的经济生存能力、确保产品和服务高质量供给的情况下,最大限度地提高社会效益和经济效益。
Based on the case of Bengbu-Wuhe Expressway project,the procedures of PPP mode were taken as main line to identify its main risk factors and analyze the key factor which is the establishment of the project contract system. An example was set for the PPP investment agreements,joint venture contracts and specific project franchise agreements to ensure economic viability and high quality of products and service,maximizes social and economic benefits.
Journal of Bengbu University