

Research on Reliability-aware Relay Strategy in Data Link
摘要 数据链采用泛洪中继(Flood Relay)策略实现信息在全网的广播,该策略通过冗余发送提高传输的可靠性,但是在网络节点密集的情况下,将引起过量的泛洪开销,因此被认为是低效的。分析了数据链的双时隙中继泛洪模式,并在此基础上提出了一种面向可靠传输的MPR(RA-MPR)策略,该策略保证在满足可靠性约束和传输时延约束等条件下,根据节点的主控关系、节点的可靠度以及节点间的邻接关系进行优选中继节点,构成具有中继功能的临时性的核心网络,该网络随着拓扑结构的变化、电磁环境的变化、节点的毁伤以及主控关系的变化而动态变化。通过算法分析和仿真,比较了该策略在不同网络规模和传输半径条件下的性能,分析结果显示该策略不仅降低了泛洪开销,而且保证了报文传输的可靠性。 Flood relay strategy, which is used in tactical data link(TDL) to realize the broadcast of information, belongs to pure flooding which is supposed to be inefficient. The strategy improves the delivery reliability by redundancy, however, it will lead to superfluous flooding cost. The restricting conditions of the TDL broadcast relay algorithm were analyzed. Then a new relay strategy RA-MPR was proposed to guarantee optimization of relay nodes choice based on the node's reliability and adjacency while meeting the conditions of restriction on LOS, capacity, delay and equipment. Using the algorithm analysis and simulation of the RA-MPR, the performance of RA-MPR under different network scales and delivering radii was discussed.
作者 杨光 曾斌
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第B11期253-257,284,共6页 Computer Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(基金号71201172)资助
关键词 数据链 泛洪中继 RA-MPR 启发式算法 Tactical data link, Flood relay, RA-MPR, Heuristic algorithm
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