通过对雷击建筑物所造成建筑物及其内部系统损害原因的分析,结合《雷电防护》GB/T21714系列标准,分析得知GB/T21714.2中损害概率PB和PSPD与雷电流的概率分布和LPL(Lighfning Pretection Level,雷电防护水平)对应的雷电流极值有关。PB的数值等于雷电流大于LPL对应雷电流最大值的概率,与其小于雷电流最小值的概率之和;PSPD的数值等于雷电流大于LPL对应雷电流最大值的概率。同时指出,《建筑物防雷设计规范》GB50057-2010中各个LPL的损害概率PB和PSPD不应直接采用GB/T21714.2中的规定值,应根据GB50057给出的雷电流参数进行计算,或利用雷电监测网的资料,获取建筑物附近一定范围内的云地闪数据,统计得到雷电流概率分布函数,依据该雷电流概率分布函数来计算PB和PSPD。
According to the causal analysis of building and internal system damage induced by lightning, in combination with the standard GB/T21714 Lightning Protection, it is found that that the damage probability (PB and PspDof GB/T21714.2) is related to the probability distribution of lightning current and the extreme value of lightning current, which corresponds to Lightning Protection Level (LPL). The value of PBequals to the sum of the probability of the lightning current greater than the maximal lightning current and the probability of the lightning current less than minimum corresponding to LPL; the value of PS^D equals to the probability of lightning current greater than maximal lightning current corresponding to LPL. It is pointed out that for the damage probability (PB and PSPD in GB50057-2010) at various lightning protection levels, the values stipulated in GB/T21714.2 should not adopted directly, rather computing according to the lightning current parameters given in GB50057, or using the information sources on the lightning detection network to obtain the data of cloud-to-ground lightning within a certain scope nearby the building, so to calculate the probability distribution function of lightning current and further the value of PBand PSPD by the above-mentioned probability distribution function of lightning current.
Meteorological Science and Technology