
仲景应用麻黄治疗外感发热配伍浅析 被引量:4

Brief Analysis of Exogenous Fever Treated with Mahuang Compatibility by ZHANG Zhong-jing
摘要 张仲景十分重视麻黄在外感发热治疗中的应用。在以麻黄为主药的麻黄类方剂中,麻黄与桂枝配伍形成麻黄汤、桂麻各半汤、桂二麻一汤、小青龙汤能够辛温散寒而解热;麻黄与石膏配伍形成大青龙汤、桂二越一汤、麻杏石甘汤、越婢汤能够散表寒以解热;麻黄与附子配伍形成麻黄附子细辛汤、麻黄附子甘草汤能温少阴散表寒。临证应根据症状反应的不同,辨识清楚患者的病性病位,适证用方,方证相应,方有望取得理想的效果。 ZHANG Zhong-jing pays much attention to the application of Mahuang ( Herba Ephedrae) in treating exogenous fever. For example, in the prescriptions with Mahuang as the basic remedy, he uses the compatibility of Mahuang and Guizhi( Ramulus Cinnamomi) to constitute Ephedrae Decoction, Decoction of Cinnamon Twig and Ephedra with Ratio of 1 :l, Decoction of Cinna- mon Twig and Ephedra with Ratio of 2 : 1, and Green Dragon Decoction the o relieve fever by removing cold with pungent and warm flavors. The compatibility of Mahuang( Herba Ephedrae) and Shigao( Gypsum Fibrosum) is used to constitute Major Green Dragon Decoction, Decoction of Cinnamon Twig and Maidservant From Yue with Ratio of 2 : 1, Decoction of Ephedra and Apricot Kernel and Gypsum and Licorice, and Maidselvant From Yue Decoction to relieve fever by removing superficial cold. The com- patibility of Mahuang( Herba Ephedrae) and Fuzi (Radix Aconiti Lateralis Praeparata) is used to constitute Ephedra and Aconite and Asarnm Decoction, and Ephedra and Aconite and Licorice Decoction to warm Shaoyin and relieve superficial cold. The ideal effect can be obtained only by recognizing patients' disease natures and sites according to their symptom reactions, choosing prop- er prescriptions based on syndrome differentiation.
机构地区 南京中医药大学
出处 《河南中医》 2015年第11期2585-2586,共2页 Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine
关键词 外感发热 麻黄 张仲景 麻黄汤 桂麻各半汤 桂二麻一汤 小青龙汤 大青龙汤 桂二越一汤 麻杏石甘汤 越婢汤 麻黄附子细辛汤 黄附子甘草汤 exogenous fever Mahuang ( Herba Ephedrae) ZHANG Zhong-jing Ephedra Decoction Decoction of CinnamonTwig and Ephedra with Ratio of 1 : 1 Decoction of Cinnamon Twig and Ephedra with Ratio of 2 : 1 Minor Green Dragon Decoc-tion Major Green Dragon Decoction Decoction of Cinnamon Twig and Maidsercant From Yue with Ratio of 2 : 1 Decoction ofEphedra and Apricot Kernel and Gypsum and Licorice Maidservant From Yue Decoction Ephedra and Aconite and Asarum De-coction Ephedra and Aconite and Licorice Decoction
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