为了保证重要用户的不间断供电,提高城市配电网的供电可靠性,10 k V线路通常涉及合环操作,但由于线路的负荷合环开关两侧存在电压差相角差等原因,易导致合环操作失败。文章结合实例,采用电压向量图对百色电网六塘变和龙旺变10k V线路合环操作失败原因进行分析,得出龙旺变变压器高压侧35k V相序与电网相序不一致的结论。最终,经过调相实现了线路合环,这对降低合环操作的电网风险和提高供电可靠性具有重要意义。
In order to guarantee the uninterrupted power supply of the important consumers and increase the reliability of urban power grid, we usually uses closed loop operation in10 kV lines. However,the operation may fail due to the differences of voltages and phases between the two sides of the closed-loop switches in line loads.Combined with the example, the failure reason of Baise grid Liutang substation distribution and Longwang substation 10kV lines’ closing loop operation is analyzed in this paper ,by voltage vector diagram. And coming to a conclusion that in the high voltage side of 35kV Long Wong substation the phase of sequence is inconsistent with the grid phase sequence. Finally, it was succeeded in operating the closed-loop by phase modulation,which plays an important role in reducing the grid risk during closed-loop operation and improving the reliability of power supply.
Popular Science & Technology
distribution network
nuclear phase
loop operation
voltage vecton diagram