

Application of hinged connection in deep water S-lay installation
摘要 为了能够在S型铺管过程中将管线、船体和托管架三者作为一个整体进行耦合分析,使用势流理论用于计算船体受到的波浪力,广义弹性接触面法模拟托辊与管线之间的接触,采用带有铰接刚度的铰连接来模拟管线的上弯段,集中质量法用于模拟管线的中垂段和下弯段。通过时域全耦合方程将整个系统联立求解,并将这种方法的结果和未考虑上弯段管线接触的结果与实验值进行了对比发现:新计算方法能够使管线受力和船体运动都更为接近于实际值。对管线张力进行了谱密度分析,得到了对管线张力作用较大的频谱范围,为其在不同海况下的适应性提供了技术参数。 In order to take the pipeline, lay barge and stinger as a coupled system in the S-lay process, the potential flow theory was used to calculate the wave forces acting on the hull. A method utilizing a general-ized elastic surface contact algorithm was used to simulate the contact between pipeline and roller. The up-per curved section of pipeline was connected by hinged with considering the hinged stiffness and the sag-ging, and lower horizontal section of pipeline was calculated by lumped mass method. The line tension and hull motion results were obtained by the full-coupled time domain equations of the whole system, and the re-sults were compared to experiment results and the statistics without considering the contact of the pipeline and hull. It is found that pipeline tension and hull motion results are closer to the actual values by hinged method with considering the hinged stiffness. The spectral density analysis was carried out on the line ten-sion and acquired the frequency range in which occur the larger line tensions, and it can provide technical parameters for the adaptability of lay barge in different sea condition.
出处 《船舶力学》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第11期1344-1351,共8页 Journal of Ship Mechanics
基金 国家高等学校学科创新引智计划基金资助(B07019) 工业和信息化部高技术船舶科研计划重点项目"3000 m水深大型起重铺管船自主研发"
关键词 铰连接 S型铺管 弹性面接触 集中质量法 hinged connection S-Lay method elastic surface contact lumped mass method
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