
《新夏娃的激情》与女性主义拼贴叙事策略 被引量:1

The Passion of New Eve and the Feminist Collage
摘要 本文以英国著名女作家安吉拉·卡特的名篇《新夏娃的激情》来探讨卡特如何精湛运用拼贴策略来揭示超现实主义女性原型的建构性和批判超现实主义的情欲观。讨论从两方面展开:1.小说将超现实主义所表现的女性原型与性别表演性拼贴在一起,暗讽超现实主义女性原型的建构性;2.卡特将超现实主义的情欲观与性别不确定性拼贴并置,揭示了性别与情欲的建构性,从女性主义角度救赎了超现实主义的性别政治。 This paper attempts to explore,taking The Passion of New Eve as a case,how Angela Carter skillfully employs collage as an effective strategy to expose the construction of surrealist female archetypes and criticize surrealist notions of eroticism. The exploration is made from the two aspects:( 1) The novel,with collages of female archetypes represented by surrealism with gender performance,is an irony of constructed surrealist female archetypes;( 2) Carter,through the juxtaposition of surrealist notions of eroticism with gender ambiguity,discloses the construction of gender and sexuality and redeems the surrealist gender politics from a feminist point of view.
作者 吴颉 胡全生
出处 《外国语文》 北大核心 2015年第5期1-6,共6页 Foreign Languages and Literature
关键词 女性主义拼贴 女性原型 超现实主义情欲观 性别表演 双重性别 叙述声音 feminist collage female archetypes surrealist eroticism gender performance double genders narrative voice
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