目的 :了解南京地区心血管系统药物的应用现状和发展趋势 ,为该类药物的研究、生产、销售和临床应用提供参考。方法 :采用南京地区19家医院1997年~2001年的心血管系统购药数据 ,按金额排序法进行分析。结果 :19家医院心血管系统用药金额5年内增长了2倍多 ,其中抗心绞痛及血管扩张药、抗血栓药、抗高血压药3个亚类用量 ,在5年内始终占据该大类药物的前3位。最近3年 ,钙拮抗剂已基本占据心血管系统用药的前3名。进口与合资药品占总量的综合比例 ,在二、三级医院中5年内基本稳定。结论 :心血管系统药物的市场需求潜力巨大 ,具备广阔的开发前景。
OBJECTIVE:To analyse the current situation and developing trend of consumption of cardiovascular drugs in Nanjing district,so as to provide information for the research,production,sale and application of these drugs METHODS:According to the order of sum of money,the purchasing information of the drugs used for cardiovascular diseases in 19 hospitals in Nanjing district between 1997~2001 were analysed RESULTS:The sum of money of the drugs used for cardiovascular diseases in 19 hopsitals in Nanjing district was increased more than twice in 5 years,and the consumption of anti-anginal and vasodilating agents,antithrombotic agents and antihypertensives occupied first three places in the category all the time In recent three years,calcium antagonists have occupied the front three places in the category CONCLUSION:With the increase of old age people's proportion in our country,the market requirement is enormous and the prospects for exploitation are capacious for the drugs used for cardiovascular diseases
China Pharmacy
江苏省科委软科学研究项目 (BR2000029)