

Sino-Russian Logistics Platform——an Scope for Network Cooperation between Industry and Commerce
摘要 在形成新的经济增长模式的条件下,物流被认为是工商网络合作的管理技术。俄罗斯与中国工商合作中存在一些制约物流发展的因素,在中俄工商合作基础上物流作为保障协作效应的管理技术发展水平不足。建议在物流领域网络合作和战略伙伴关系基础上向新经济增长模式转换。 Under the condition of formation of pattern of new economic growth, logistics is perceived as management technology of network cooperation between industry and commerce. There are many factors to restrict logistics development in cooperation be- tween Russia and industry and commerce of China, and development level of logistics inadequate as management technology to se- cure cooperative effect based on Sino - Russian cooperation between industry and commerce. Transformation to pattern of new e- conomic growth is advocated based on network cooperation in the logistics field and strategic partnership.
出处 《西伯利亚研究》 2015年第5期32-36,共5页 Siberian Studies
关键词 物流 网络合作 工商合作 中国 俄罗斯 logistics network cooperation cooperation between industry and commerce China Russia
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