
10~12岁竞速滑雪运动员在早期训练阶段中发展耐力方法的特点 被引量:2

Methodical Features of Endurance Development for Crosscountry Skiers Aged 10~12 Years in Preliminary Trainimg Phase
摘要 在以长时间周期性工作为特征的滑雪运动中,对于取得运动成绩具有决定性意义的是高度发展的一般耐力和专项耐力,或者用科学语言表达,是运动员机体有氧和无氧可能性的发展水平。在耐力发展不足的情况下,少年滑雪运动员要达到很高的一般训练程度和专项训练程度水平是不可思议的,但是这一过程不应当无限制地延长,于是深入研究训练过程的方法就成为越来越现实的问题。由于缺乏10-12岁滑雪运动员训练中发展耐力一般方法和局部方法问题方面的必要资料,增加了合理控制训练过程的难度,从而降低了该运动项目中培养优秀后备人才的效果。研究结果显示,通过对10-12岁滑雪运动员多年训练的早期训练阶段中的训练过程和训练手段对比关系的选择和确定,探讨发展耐力的合理处理办法。 Highly-developed general and special endurance,or,in scientific terms,the level of aerobic and anaerobic capacities of an athletes body,are critical for sport performance in skiing,which is associated with continuous cyclic work.The high level of general and special fitness of junior cross-country skiers is impossible in case of poorly developed endurance.Training of cross-country skiers is characterized by an increase in the volume and intensity of exercises.However,this process can not last foreverъan in-depth study of the training technique is becoming more relevant.The lack of necessary data on general and specific issues of the technique of endurance development during the training sessions with cross-country skiers aged 10-1Сyears complicates the rational management of the training process,which,undoubtedly,makes the training of athletes of the full-value reserve in this sport less effective.The findings of the study,in which rational approaches to development of endurance by selecting and determining the ratio of the techniques and methods of training and training process at the preliminary training phase and in the longterm training process of cross-country skiers aged 10-1Сyears old,are stated in the paper.named after M. E.
出处 《首都体育学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期481-482,515,共3页 Journal of Capital University of Physical Education and Sports
关键词 青少年竞速滑雪运动员 训练方法 手段 身体素质 耐力 junior cross-country skiers methods training means physical quality endurance
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