
休闲时间对城市居民幸福感的影响机制研究(上)——以杭州市为例 被引量:2

A study of the Correlation between the Amount of Leisure Time and Sense of Well-being of Urban Residents——A Case Study of Residents in Hangzhou
摘要 杭州城市居民休闲时间普遍偏少,只有离退休老年人休闲时间最为充裕;学历和收入越高者,休闲时间越少;带薪年休假制度也有待深入落实。城市居民幸福感普遍中等偏上,其中幸福感知度居中等偏上水平,生活满意度一般,正面情绪较多,负面情绪较少。幸福感随年龄增长而提升,女性、老人、已婚者和月收入上万者更感幸福。对休闲时间及其变化的认知影响幸福感。保障适度的休闲时间,可有效提升幸福感。 As a whole, residents except for the retired people in Hangzhou do not have much time enjoying leisure. The higher people' s education degree and income is, the less time they have to enjoy life. The annual paid holiday isn't implemented very well in many walks of life. The author of this paper conducts a research on the sense of well - being among residents of Hangzhou and the findings are as follows: The sense of well -being of the residents is above average ;The life satisfaction is average;Positive emotions prevail; The sense of well - being rises with the progress of age ; Females, the old and the married people and those with a monthly earning of more than ten thoousand Yuan are happier than the corresponding others. The individual' s sense of well - being is influenced by his cognition of free time and its change, so the individual' s sense of well -being can be effectively improved by ensuring moderate free time.
作者 蒋艳
出处 《湖北理工学院学报(人文社会科学版)》 2015年第6期27-35,共9页 Journal of Hubei Polytechnic University(Humanities And Social Sciences)
基金 国家社科基金青年项目"旅游社会学基础理论研究" 项目编号:12CSH057
关键词 城市居民 休闲时间 幸福感 影响机制 urban residents amount of leisure time sense of well -being influencing mechanism
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