This paper aims to elaborate bilingual information processing method and its principle. The method is characterised by mutual collaboration or response of both human and machine according to their own characteristics. Specifically speaking, it involves three steps: First, identifying problems in Chinese-English translation difficulties; Then, analysing problems from the interdisciplinary and cross-sectorial point of view; Finally, solving problems from the perspective of human-machine division and cooperation. The result is that not only dual formal approach, parallel processing of both large string and small string, was found, but also the advantages of broad bilingual information processing method were found and its scientific principles were verified. Its significance lies in not only broadening the mind theoretically but also playing a role in practice. For example, convergence or closeness of formal information theory is compatible with divergence or openness of semantic information theory. In addition, broad bilingual information processing method of arithmetic and language can be adopted respectively to balance and surpass views of both strong AI and weak AI. Furthermore, not only constraints of information terminology can be well explained, but also applications' constrained scenarios of distinct viewpoints on information and artificial intelligence can be regulated accordingly. In another word, a series of actual contexts of bilingual applications can be balanced including the context between humans, human and machine, machines as well as machine and human.
Computer Applications and Software
Broad bilingual
Formal information theory
Semantic information theory
Information processing
Strong artificial intelli-gence
Weak artificial intelligence