目的:建立液相色谱串联质谱法测定Beagle犬全血中环孢素A的浓度,并考察3种环孢素微乳制剂的生物等效性。方法:全血样品中加入适量内标和氢氧化钠,以乙醚萃取后用API 3000LC-MS/MS仪进行分析。采用CAPCELLPAK(C18)(2.0mm×50 mm,5μm)色谱柱,以水(5 mmol·L-1甲酸铵)为流动相A,甲醇-乙腈(1∶1,含5 mmol·L-1甲酸铵)为流动相B,以0.4 m L·min-1的流速进行梯度洗脱(0~0.8 min,60%B;0.8~1.3 min,60%B→100%B;1.3~2.5 min,100%B;2.5~3.7 min,60%B),柱温65℃;质谱采用多反应离子监测(MRM)的扫描模式,以电喷雾离子源(ESI)在正离子电离模式下进行测定,选择性监测质荷比(m/z)为1 220.2/1 202.9(环孢素A)、1 234.3/1 216.9(环孢素D,内标)。结果:本方法的线性范围为20.16~2 016 ng·m L-1;最低定量浓度为:20.16 ng·m L-1。日内、日间精密度均小于7.1%,准确度在92.9%~108.2%之间,提取回收率为63.8%~68.3%,稳定性考察结果良好。以AUC0-t计算,受试制剂的相对生物利用度为95.42%~100.10%;以AUC0-∞计算,受试制剂的相对生物利用度为95.82%~99.14%。剂量矫正后Cmax和AUC0-∞的90%置信区间(CI)均在80%~125%范围内,2种口服液和1种软胶囊制剂生物等效。结论:本法经方法学验证,适用于测定Beagle犬全血中环孢素A浓度及其生物等效性研究。
Objective:To develop an LC-MS/MS method for the determination of cyclosporine A (CsA)in Beagle blood and to investigate the bioequivalence of 3 kinds of cyclosporine A microemulsion. Methods:The blood samples were extracted with diethyl ethyl after addition of internal standard cyclosporine D (CsD) and sodium hydroxide solution ,and then analyzed in API 3000 LC-MS/MS system. The analytical column was CAPCELLPAK( C18 )(2.0 mm × 50 mm ,5 μm). The mobile phase consisted of mobile phase A( water with 5 mmol · L-1ammonium formate)- mobile phase B [ methanolacetonitrile ( 1 : 1, with 5 mmol · L - 1 ammonium formate ) ] with the gradient elution ( 0- 0. 8 min,60% B;0. 8-1.3 rain,60% B→00% B; 1.3-2. 5 min, 100% B ;2. 5-3.7 min,60% B) at a flow rate of 0. 4 mL · min-1, and the column temperature was controlled at 65 ℃. Detection was performed with multiple reactions monitoring (MRM) using positive electrospray ionization ( ESI), and the selected ion mass (m/z) were 1 220. 2/1 202. 9 (CsA)and 1 234. 3/1 216. 9 (CsD, internal standard). Results:The calibration curves were linear over the concentration range of 20. 16-2 016 ng · mL-1 for cyclosporine A. The lower-limit-of-quantification was 20. 16 ng· mL-l. Inter-and intra-day precisions were all below 7. 1% and the accuracy was ranged within 92. 9% -108. 2%. Extraction recoveries were 63.8%-68.3% ,and the analyses were proved to be stable. The relative bioavailabilities of the test formulation was 95.42%-100. 10% as calculated by AUC0-t ,and the relative bioavailabilities of the test formulation was 95.82%-99. 14% as calculated by AUC0-∞. 90% confidence interval (CI) of the after dose correction Cmax and AUC0-∞ were between 80%-125%, and these three cyclosporine A microemulsion were bioequivalent. Conclusion :The established method is rapid, sensitive, and specific, which is applicable for the concentration determination of cyclosporine A and its bioequivalence study.
Chinese Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis