
作者与作业 浅谈展览“不在图像中行动”

摘要 在《无名者的生活》一文的开端,福柯回忆起他在国家图书馆查阅资料时读到的一份写于18世纪初的拘留记录,其中有两条是这样写的: 米朗,1707年8月31日被送入夏德朗医院:“他一直向家庭掩饰他的疯狂,在乡间过着一种不明不白的生活,官司缠身,毫无顾忌地放高利贷,让自己贫乏的精神步入那无人知晓的道路,相信自己能够从事最最伟大的事业”。
出处 《新美术》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第10期91-102,共12页 Journal of the China Academy of Art
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  • 1Michel Foucault, "Lives of Infamous Men", Power: Essential Works of Fouoault 1954-1984, in Vol. 3, series Ed. James D. Faubion, Penguin Books, 2002, p. 158.
  • 2米歇尔-福柯,<无名者的生活>,见李猛译,《社会理论论坛》总第6期,1999年.
  • 3Michel Foucault, "Lives of Infamous Men", in Power: Essential Works of Foucault 1954- 1984, Vol. 3, 2002, p, 161.
  • 4Michel Foucoult, "Lives of Infa- mous Men", p, 161.
  • 5Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Dir,, Terry Gllliam, Rhino Films, Summit Entertain- ment, 1998.
  • 6Michel Foucault, "Lives of Infamous Men", p. 172.
  • 7"Art documentation is neither the making present of a past art event nor the promise of a coming artwork but the only possible form of reference to an artistic activily that cannot be represented in other way." Boris Groys, Art in the Age of Blopolitics: From Artwork to Art Docu- mentation, in Katalog Documenta 11, Ed. Ok- wui Enwesor, Hatje Cantz, 2002, pp. 108-114.
  • 8"If life is not longer understood as a natural event, as fate, as Fortuna, but rather as time artificially produced and fashioned, then life is automatically politicized, since the technical and artistic decisions with respect to the shap- ing of the Iifespan are always political decisions as well." Ibid,.
  • 9ibid.
  • 10Roland Barthes, "The Death of the Author~, in The Norton Anthology of Theory and Crifi- olsm, general Ed. Vincent B. Leitch, W.W. Nor- ton& Company, 2000, p. 1467.








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