

Non-destructive measurement of human griping force in a human-weapon system
摘要 为获得连续射击时人体握持主动力参数,提出一种人体握持主动力的测量方法。该方法设计了基于仿生学及人机工程学的仿生握爪,以等效代替人手握持射击。仿生握爪能够在不破坏枪支的情况下获得连续射击时人枪作用力的等效力系,该力系经EMD分解可得显现的握持主动力分量。所得的握持主动力参数对研究射击精度影响因素等课题具有重要意义。实验结果表明,该方法能准确反映连续射击时人枪系统力的作用。 Here,a measurement method of active griping force was proposed to obtain the human griping force under continuous firing.Based on bionics and ergonomics,a bionic equivalent grip was designed to replace human hand. The bionic grip could be used to measure the equivalent forces system of a human-weapon system without destroying the weapon.The explicit active griping force components emerged after the equivalent forces system was decomposed with EMD.The obtained active griping force data were significant to study affecting factors of firing accuracy.Test results showed that the proposed measurement method can accurately reflect the action of human griping force in a human-weapon system under continuous firing.
出处 《振动与冲击》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第21期89-92,共4页 Journal of Vibration and Shock
关键词 握持主动力 非破坏式 人枪系统 active griping force non-destructive human-weapon system
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