
Australia-China Bilateral Relations:Mixed Messages 被引量:1

Australia-China Bilateral Relations:Mixed Messages
摘要 In April 2014, Prime Minister Tony Abbott visited the People's Republic of China (PRC) for the first time in his capacity as Australia's leader. He went with three key messages: to assure China that Australia was ' open for business'; to affirm his commitment to finalizing the Australia-China Free Trade Agreement (FTA) by November 2014; and to offer Australia as a ' true friend' of China. In principle, these were excellent messages to send. Turning them into reality, however, is going to require some fundamental changes in Australian attitudes towards China, from the top levels of government to the public in general. Under the new leadership of Prime Minister Tumbull, the time is absolutely right to start driving that change. When Prime Minister Tony Abbott visited China for the first time in his capacity as Australia's leader in 2014,he went with three commitments:to be 'open for business',to finalize the Australia-China Free Trade Agreement(FTA) as soon as possible,and to be a'true friend' of China.All of these are most welcomed by China and definitely good for the bilateral relations.However,turning them into reality is far from easy.In recent years,Australia has sent many mixed messages to China,in ways that have the potential to undermine the bilateral relationship in the future.
出处 《Contemporary International Relations》 2015年第5期1-27,145,共27页 现代国际关系(英文版)
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