目的 :观察绞股蓝总皂甙 (GPS)对雄性小鼠染镉后对睾丸生殖细胞的保护作用。方法 :预先灌服 GPS2 0 0 mg/kg/ d,连续 16 d后 ,腹腔注入氯化镉 (Cd) 3m g/ kg/ d 5 d,观察睾丸病理切片和精子畸形率。结果 :预服 GPS的小鼠染镉后 ,其精子畸形率比单纯染镉组下降 5 3.0 1% (P<0 .0 1)。睾丸病理切片单纯染镉组出现病理改变 ,与预服 GPS组相比未见明显差别。表明 GPS对 Cd所致小鼠精子畸形率有较好的抑制作用。结论 :GPS可用于防治
Objective:To explore the inhibition of gypensides(GPS) on sperm shape abnormality in mice induced by cadmium chloride(CdCl 2).Methods:After having feed the GPS at dose of 200mg/kg for 16 days,exposed at dose of 3 mg/kg the CdCl 2 for 5 days.Results:Observing state of injure on testis and the rate of sperm shape abnormality was decreased percent 53 01%,between GPS+Cd group and only Cd group( P <0 01).The difference was no significant in state of injure in two group on testis.Conclusion:The study declared that the GPS could inhibit the rate of sperm shape abnormality in mice induced by CdCl 2.
Modern Preventive Medicine