目的:观察准分子激光上皮下角膜磨镶术(laser subepithelial keratomileusis,LASEK)后用0.1%溴芬酸钠水合物滴眼液部分替代糖皮质激素的有效性及耐受性。方法:临床纳入进行LASEK术患者180例180眼,根据术后用药的不同分为研究组与对照组。研究组给予0.1%溴芬酸钠水合物滴眼液联合糖皮质激素,对照组给予糖皮质激素。观察两组患者手术前后视力、眼内压(intraocular pressure,IOP)变化以及术后弥漫性层间角膜炎发生情况。结果:研究组术后1mo视力为1.25±0.22,对照组术后1mo视力为0.97±0.23,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);两组术前,术后1、10d,术后3、6mo视力差异均有统计学意义(P>0.05);研究组术后1、3mo时IOP分别为12.29±2.71、12.67±2.33mm Hg,对照组术后1、3mo时IOP分别为14.26±2.65、14.56±2.61mm Hg,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);两组术前和术后10d、6mo时IOP差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);耐受性方面,对照组有4例4眼患者因眼压升高明显给予降眼压药物,研究组未发生不适;研究组术后弥漫性层间角膜炎(diffuse larnellar kerafitis,DLK)程度0分、1分、2分分别为93.33%、6.67%、0,明显优于对照组的75.56%、17.78%、6.67%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:0.1%溴芬酸钠水合物滴眼液在LASEK术后能够有效稳定患者眼压,可以使得患者获得更好的视力以及视觉质量,且耐受性较好,并发症较少,值得推广。
AIM:To observe the availability and tolerance of 0.1%bromfenac sodium hydrate ophthalmic solution in the partial substitution of glucocorticoid after laser subepithelial keratomileusis(LASEK).METHODS:Totally 180 patients(180 eyes) received LASEK were selected and divided into study group and control group according to different medications.The study group adopted 0.1%bromfenac sodium hydrate ophthalmic solution combined with glucocorticoid;the control group adopted glucocorticoid.The changes of visual acuity and intraocular pressure(IOP) of two groups were recorded before and after surgery and the occurrence of diffuse larnellar kerafitis(DLK) after surgery were observed.RESULTS:After 1mo of surgery,visual acuity of study group was 1.25±0.22 while that of control group was 0.97±0.23(P〈0.05).Visual acuity of two groups before surgery,after 1,10 d,3 and 6mo of surgery had no significant differences(P〉0.05).After 1 and 3mo of surgery,IOP of study group was 12.29±2.71 and 12.67±2.33 mmHg while that of control group was 14.26 ±2.65 and 14.56 ±2.61 mmHg,the difference was statistically significant(P〈0.05).Before surgery and 10 d and 6mo after surgery,IOP of two groups was not significantly different(P〉0.05).In terms of tolerance,the control group had 4 cases(4 eyes) taking the IOP-lowering medication.The study group had no uncomfortable cases.The DLK level of the study group at 0,1,2 was93.33%,6.67%,0%,respectively and those in control group was 75.56%,17.78%and 6.67%,respectively,and the differences were significant(P〈0.05).CONCLUSION:0.1%bromfenac sodium hydrate ophthalmic solution can efficiently stabilize the patient's IOP after LASEK.The patient has a better visual acuity,visual function and fewer complications.The tolerance is also favorable.It is worthy of promotion.
International Eye Science