The economic policies implemented by Emperor Han Wu such as forbidding mountains,officials managing salt and iron,and governing prices and so on eased the fiscal deficit caused by the war in a short term,but when it came to the Emperor Zhao,the policies incurred popular discontent. Sima Qian once criticized the series of economic policies,xianliang literary school joining the "salt and iron meeting"also asked the government to set free the mountains and not to get benefit against people. The so- called "people"can not be regarded as the ordinary people,including farmers,but the new class rising in the industry and commerce; the "benefit",superficially refers to survival materials people needed,fatherly to the national economic foundation—— the Confucian tradition always adhered that government should get benefit from tax,not from monopolizing commercial market. In the early Han Dynasty,Sima Qian and xianliang literary school’s economic proposals were with the same strain and stood on the side of the new class of industry and commerce.
Academic Forum of Nandu:Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Nanyang Normal University
economic thought
to get benefit against people
Sima Qian
xianliang literature