
“деревенскаяm проза”概念辨析

The Textual Research into Russian Literary Concept
摘要 当代俄罗斯乡土小说1作为一种文学现象在俄罗斯文学史上占有重要地位。但是乡土小说因其主题之丰富,内含之深邃导致了它又被冠以诸如本体论小说、道德小说、记忆小说、传统小说等各种概念,但是不论哪种概念都有一定的局限性,不能完整地体现乡土小说的实质。本文尝试对乡土小说的概念的界定追本溯源,并结合与战争小说和城市小说的关联以及乡村原型分析来揭示乡土小说的内涵。 The contemporary Russian Rural novels as a literary phenomenon occupies an important position in the history of Russian literature . But The agrestic novels have many definitions, such as ontology moral novel, novel memory, traditional novels and other definition because of its wide theme, profound connotation, no matter which definition, they all exposed its limitations, can not fully reflect the essence of the Rural novels. In this article we try to research the Russian literary concept, combine it's association with war novels and urban novels, and analyse archetype of rural novels, in order to reveal the essence of theRural novels.
作者 陈新宇
机构地区 浙江大学
出处 《俄罗斯文艺》 CSSCI 2015年第4期25-29,共5页 Russian Literature & Arts
基金 浙江省哲学社会科学规划课题“俄罗斯当代乡土小说研究”的阶段性成果 课题编号:13NDJC137YB
关键词 本体论小说 道德小说 乡村原型 当代俄罗斯乡土小说 Ontological novels Moral novel Rural archetypal Contemporary Russian Ruralnovels
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