The novel Return to Egypt,written by contemporary Russian writer Vladimir Aleksandrovich Sharov, was honoured with prize "Russian Booker of 2014 year" on the 5-th of December in 2014 year. The novel represents the family in Russia in the 20th Century, related to the great Russian writer Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol. All its members have a strong desire to continue write the second and the third volumes of poet "Dead Souls",that their ancestor failed to finish. It shows the different fates of different characters in the background of Russian special historical era in 20th Century, points out the hero - the second Gogol' s unremitting efforts on the poet "Dead Souls" and his retrospection and reflection of Russian history. Comparing the Russian history from the 19th to the beginning of 20th Centuries and the story of The Old Testament, The novel comes to the conclusion : The 20th Century's Russian history is a history of "return to Egypt".It tries to find a way to save the Russian people.
Russian Literature & Arts
Gogol Tradition
Return to Egypt
the second Gogol
The Old Testament
the oldetiquette school