目的 :通过对 1995~ 1999年深圳市龙岗区各级医院及个体诊所使用消毒剂的污染菌情况进行调查 ,了解消毒剂使用中污染菌的分布情况。方法 :相关细菌学分类鉴定方法。结果 :5年间我区使用中消毒剂以 0 .1%新洁尔灭污染最为严重。医院使用中消毒剂污染菌检出率明显低于个体诊所。共检出 3个种属细菌 ,其中芽胞杆菌占 6 8.5 7% ,球菌占 31.4 3%。结论 :我区使用中消毒剂污染较严重 。
Objective:To understand the distribution of the contamination bacteria isolated from in use disinfectants in Longgang district,Shenzhen city during 1995~1999.Methods:Relative bacteria classification and idenfification techique.Results:We found that the bacteria contamination rate of 0 1% dedecyldimethylbenzyl ammonium bromide was the highest in all of the tested in use disinfectants.The isolation rate of the hospitals in use disinfectants is obviously higher than private clinics.The isolated bacteria were distributed 3 genus.Including 2 genus of coccus(31 43%),one genus of bacillus(68 57%).Conclusion:The above results showed that the contamination of in-used disinfectants were serious in Longgang district.We must enhance surveillance of in use disinfectants and training basic disinfectant knowledge in medical units.
Modern Preventive Medicine