Poems of Allegory in "The Story of the Stone" are characterized by multi-layer meaning and bitter irony, which is one of the outstanding features of the poems in the book. Lessing's Aesthetic Principles provide us a new perspective to survey the translated versions by Yang Xianyi Gladys Yang and by David Hawkes. Variation principle refers to intentionally seeking for divergence and difference to acquire more appealing aesthetic effects when a prototype is depicted. Similarity principle refers to endeavoring to obtain analogous feelings in aesthetics, which contains two sub-principles: no confining sphere in imagination; knowing the whole by surveying its part. As to the style of the translated versions of Xue Baochai's "a poem on crabs", Yang Xianyi Gladys Yang' version tends to be plain, while David Hawkes' tends to be exquisite. On the whole, Hawkes's version surpasses Yangs' in conveying the original tone and style in terms of textual level.
Journal of Dalian University
Lessing's aesthetic principles
"The Story of the Stone"
"A poem on crabs"
translated versions