
抗争政治中的国家视角:回顾与展望 被引量:1

摘要 抗争政治本质上是国家与社会的一种准制度化互动过程。以抗争者为中心的理论范式忽略了国家具有独立行为能力的主体地位。"将国家带回来"已成为学术界关于抗争政治研究发展的共识。以国家为中心的理论视角涵盖了国家政体比较、政府应对策略归纳以及国家代理人角色分析等多个方面。为了进一步拓展国家视角的研究维度,国家能力是值得关注的重要变量。国家自身的财政能力、强制能力和组织能力直接关系着其对抗争者诉求的权衡、抗争行动的掌控以及"官民"互动的成效,并由此形成了国家应对抗争政治的内在行为逻辑。
作者 周凯
出处 《当代世界与社会主义》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期152-158,共7页 Contemporary World and Socialism
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  • 1McAdam, Doug, Sidney Tarrow and Charles Tilly, " To Map Contentious Politics ", in Mobilization : An International Quarterly, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1996, pp. 17 -34.
  • 2Sidney Tarrow, Power in Movement: Social Movements and Contentious Politics, New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 1998, p. 2, pp. 76 - 80.
  • 3Doug McAdam, Sidney Tarrow and Charles Tilly, Dynamics of Contention, New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2001, p. 5.
  • 4William A. Gamson and David S. Meyer, "Framing Political Opportunity", in Doug McAdam, John D. McCarthy & Mayer N. Zald ( eds. ), Comparative Perspectives on Social Movements: Political Opportunity, Mobilizing Structures and Cultural Framings, New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 1996, p. 275.
  • 5John D. McCarthy & Mayer N. Zald, "Resource Mobilization and Social Movements: A Partial Theory", in American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 82, No. 6, 1977, pp. 1212- 1241.
  • 6Jenkins J. Craig, "Resource Mobilization Theory and the Study of Social Movements", in Annual Review of Sociology, Vol. 9, 1983, pp. 527-553.
  • 7David Snow & Robert Benford, " Ideology, Frame Resonance, and Participant Mobilization", in International Social Movement Research, Issue 1, 1988, p. 198.
  • 8Robert D. Benford, "An Insider' s Critique of the Social Movement Framing Perspective ", in Sociological Inquiry, Vol. 67, No. 4, 1997, p. 415.
  • 9Grzegorz Ekiert, The State Against Society : Political Crises and Their Aftermath in East Central Europe, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1996, p. 9.
  • 10Charles Tilly, "Repertoires of Contention in America and Britain, 1750 - 1820", in M. Zald & J. McCarthy (eds.), The Dynamics of Social Movements, Cambridge, MA: Winthrop, 1979, p. 135.









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