
图书情报领域文献的Altmetrics指标分析 被引量:22

Analysis of Altmetrics Indicators in the Field of Library and Information Science
摘要 [目的 /意义]通过分析某个学科领域中Altmetrics指标的特征,为该领域文献影响力评价提供更加科学合理的指标体系。[方法 /过程]定位于图书情报领域,选取Scopus、Altmetric.com进行文献被引频次及Altmetrics指标值的采集,对数据进行统计分析、聚类分析和内容分析。[结果 /结论]在众多Altmetrics指标中,Mendeley和Twitter更适合于对图书情报领域文献的影响力做出评价;Mendeley和Twitter中文献的使用群体、文献主题、内容和期刊分布都存在明显的差异性;Twitter适合对文献的社会影响力做出判断,Mendeley更适用于文献的学术影响力评价;不同工具的流行程度存在地域差异,利用Altmetrics指标时应考虑该指标对文献影响力的评价是否存在地域缺失。 [ Purpose/significance] By analyzing the feature of Altmetrics indicators, this paper builds a scientific evaluation system to judge the impact of papers in a certain field. [ Method/process] Taking the field of library and information science for example, it gathers citations and Altmetrics from Scopus and Altmetric. com, and makes a statistical analysis, cluster analysis and content analysis. [ Result/conclusion] The findings show that: Mendeley and Twitter are more suitable to evaluate the impact of literatures in the field of library and information science; there are significant differences between Mendeley and Twitter in the point of user demographic, paper topic, paper content and journal distribution; Twitter is suitable to measure societal impact and Mendeley is suitable for the scholarly impact; there are regional differences in the popularity of different tools, when using an Altmetrics indicator it is necessary to consider if it could reveal the paper impact comprehensively.
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第18期108-116,共9页 Library and Information Service
关键词 Altmetrics Mendeley Twitter文献计量 Ahmetrics Mendeley Twitter bibliometrics
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