
国外图书馆管理制度有效性研究述评 被引量:9

Research Review on Effectiveness of Foreign Library Management Policy
摘要 [目的 /意义]总结国外图书馆管理制度有效性研究的现状,为国内图书馆管理制度有效性研究提供依据和思考。[方法 /过程]通过系统梳理国外图书馆管理制度有效性研究的内容、方法及结论,对国外图书馆管理制度有效性研究的现状进行总结和归纳。[结果 /结论]研究认为国外图书馆管理制度有效性的研究可划分为三类:1以结构性要素为基础,侧重考察制度过程和成本机制对图书馆管理制度有效性的影响;2以环境性要素为基础,侧重考察合法性基础和模仿机制对图书馆管理制度有效性的影响;3以认知性要素为基础,侧重考察认知能力和共识框架对图书馆管理制度有效性的影响。 [ Purpose/significance]This study aims to summarize the research status of foreign library management policy effectiveness, and to provide the basis and thinking from the international research for Chinese research. [ Method/ process] By systematic review on the contents, methods and conclusions of research achievements on the effectiveness of foreign library management policy, it concludes and summarizes the research status of foreign. [ Result/conclusion 3 The foreign study on library management policy effectiveness can be classified into three types: one based on structural factors which focuses on the impact of costs mechanisms and policy processes on library management police effectiveness, one based on environmental factors which focuses on the impact of legitimacy and Imitation mechanism on library management policy effectiveness, and the other type based on cognitive factors which focuses on the impact of cognitive ability and consensus framework on library management policy effectiveness.
作者 朱明
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第18期142-147,共6页 Library and Information Service
基金 云南大学2015年度人文社会科学青年研究基金资助项目"高校图书馆管理制度有效性研究"(项目编号:15YNUSS014)研究成果之一
关键词 图书馆管理 制度 有效性 library management policy effectiveness
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