
2014年广西壮族自治区金融运行报告 被引量:1

Guangxi Financial Running Report of 2014
摘要 2014年,面对经济下行压力加大的严峻形势,广西各部门牢牢把握稳中求进的工作总基调,主动适应经济发展新常态,加大重点领域投资,努力扩大消费及实施加工贸易倍增计划,有效激发了三大需求。传统产业转型升级取得新进展,高新技术产业、非公有制工业增加值增长均快于规模以上工业增速,经济提质升级呈现新亮点。积极参与"一带一路"建设,沿海、沿边、沿江开放全面拓展。金融业运行总体平稳。贷款总量稳步增长,信贷投向结构持续优化;直接融资发展成效不断显现,推动社会融资规模较快增长,实体经济融资成本有所下降;大力发展普惠金融,信贷扶持工程取得新突破;沿边金融改革取得阶段性成果。2015年,广西将紧紧围绕实现"两个建成"目标,深入实施"双核驱动"战略,构建"三区统筹"格局,坚持以提高经济发展质量和效益为中心,突出创新驱动,全面深化改革,促进经济平稳健康发展。金融业将继续贯彻落实稳健的货币政策,努力扩大金融合作开放,保持社会融资规模合理适度增长,为经济转型升级创造有利条件。 To stop the stressful situation of economic decline trend in 2014, Guangxi departments continued to im- plement the steadily policy and adapted a proaetive approach to the economic New Normal. Guangxi has taken various measures to stimulate the three major demands effectively. The financial sector functioned soundly. Loans have been in- creasing steadily and the credit structure has been optimized. Direct Financing has achieved remarkable success and its development has promoted the rapid growth of social financing scale. The Financing cost of real economy has de- clined. Guangxi is vigorously developing inclusive finance. The project of credit support has made new breakthroughs and periodical results in the border financial reformation have been achieved. In 2015, Guangxi will focus on the real- ization of "Two to Build" target, taking various measures including implementing "Dual Core Drive" deeply, construct- ing "Three Areas Overall" pattern, insisting improving the quality and efficiency of economic development, sparing ev- ery effort to innovate and deepening the reforms in an all-round way to promote stable and rapid economic develop- ment. The financial sector will continue to implement prudent monetary policy, making efforts to expand financial coop- eration and openness. The growth of social financing moderate shall be maintained in a reasonable speed in order to cre- ate favorable conditions for economic transformation and upgrading.
出处 《区域金融研究》 2015年第10期4-13,36,共11页 Journal of Regional Financial Research
关键词 广西 经济 金融 运行 Guangxi Economy Finance Running
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