
组织间竞争距离对组织绩效差异的影响--基于组织生态学视角 被引量:1

摘要 利用红皇后效应理论模型,将组织间竞争距离与绩效差异放在一个框架下进行全面分析,考察了我国2004-2013年汽车行业竞争格局形成的微观基础。红皇后效应激发了组织间的学习和筛选效应,前者有利于组织绩效的提高,后者将导致组织的死亡,两者发挥作用的程度共同受到竞争距离的影响。通过多项式回归分析得出,目前中国汽车行业处于随着竞争距离越大、绩效差异越明显的"倒U型"影响路径的左侧,即集群中的领导者组织可以通过扩大与追随者的竞争距离而获得更明显的竞争优势。这一作用机制还受行业组织规模、组织类型、组织年龄、组织上一期绩效、种群密度,以及生态位宽度等因素的影响。 This paper uses the red queen effect theory model, and puts the competition distance and performance difference under a framework to conduct a comprehensive analysis as to inspect the micro foundation of competition pattern formation of China automobile industry from 2004 to 2013. The red queen effect stimulates the inter-organizational learning and selecting ef- fect, among which, the former is conducive to the improvement of organizational performance and the latter will lead to tis- sue death, and competition distance will affect both. By cubic polynomial regression analysis, it is found that, at present, China's auto industry is at the left side of inverted U type of impact path, in which, the larger competition distance is, the more obvious performance difference is. The leader organization in the cluster can obtain more obvious competitive advan- tage by enlarging the distance from the followers, and at the same time by industry organization size, histological type, age, previous stage performance, population density, niche width and other factors.
出处 《企业经济》 北大核心 2015年第11期89-94,共6页 Enterprise Economy
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目“企业种群密度与企业生态位宽度对组织死亡的交互作用研究”(批准号:13YJAZH069)
关键词 竞争距离 学习效应 筛选效应 绩效差异 competitive distance learning effect selection effect performance difference
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