
对话:作为世界性的人性之道 被引量:1

Dialogue as Dao of Cosmopolitan Humanity
摘要 安东尼·吉登斯认为,在这个"全球世界性社会"里,"我们是第一代居民"。但问题在于"世界性"如何体现?事实上,自9·11以后,敌对双方的武装冲突与言辞交锋更加强化,并助长了"反恐"与"圣战"的对立,伊斯兰国近来发动的袭击就是很好的例证。该如何达成一种世界性的生活方式,做到"平等却不同的共存"或者儒家所说的"和而不同"呢?本文通过探讨"和平"的概念,以及"对话"作为替代与他人仇恨对立的途径的伦理意涵,试图回应上述挑战。 Anthony Giddens states that 'we are the first generation to live'in 'a global cosmopolitan society'. But the question remains: Cosmopolitan in what way? Isn't it the case that the confrontation between'the war on terror'and'Jihad,'since the September 11 has been,as exemplified by recent terrorist attacks by ISIS( Islam State),rather strengthened and fueled by exchanges of physical or rhetorical violence between the antagonistic counterparts? How,if possible at all,is it possible to realize a cosmopolitan way of life as to'live together,equal yet different'or Confucian ethics of to be-with others in recognition /harmony of differences? Current essay proposes to respond these challenges by exploring the concept of peace and the ethical significance of dialogue as an alternative to antagonistic confrontation with others.
作者 李晟台
出处 《浙江社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第11期48-53,157,共6页 Zhejiang Social Sciences
关键词 全球化 暴力共生 和平 对话 globalization pact of violence peace dialogue
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