
“系统哲学”与价值困境 被引量:3

The Incapability of General System Philosophy
摘要 一般系统论自冯·贝塔朗菲提出以来,学界表现出了将系统论上升为系统哲学的努力。但是,系统论作为一种分析工具,它无法实现与分析对象的实质同一或原则同构,这是系统论的本体论疑难。其次,系统论作为一种分析方法,数理逻辑与科学理论自身的不完备性是其不可克服的困难,当它作为管理方法运用于人文社科领域中时,有着某种简单化和机械化的倾向,这是系统论的方法论疑难。再者,系统论在系统的目的论解释上存在着疑难,其功能主义价值观和功能优化理论应用到人文社科理论存在着人文价值灭失的危险。论文讨论了"系统哲学"元理论中的一些问题,还提出了系统要素表达式、系统功能表达式、"机器人种佯谬"、生命目的性行为临界条件等理论主张。 There is a tremendous tendency which tries to upgrade General System Theory established by Ludwig von Bertalanffy to General System Philosophy. But there seems a certain kind of incapability while trying to set up General System Philosophy. Firstly,Systems Theory as an analytical tool,it cannot be achieved with the principle of analyzing the essence of the objects of the same or isomorphic. Secondly,the incompleteness of the theory of mathematical logic and science itself,which form the basis of System Theory,is the insurmountable difficulties. When it is used as a management method in the field of humanities and social sciences,it has some sort of simplistic and mechanistic misleading. Thirdly,there are many problems in explanation of the teleology of System Theory. There is a danger of loss of the Humanistic Value while its functionalism theory of value and functional optimization theory are applied to the field of humanities and social sciences. The paper also puts forward a new System Factors Expression Sy = s{ C,I,S,B,E},a new System Function Expression F = I( C,S,B,E),Robot Race Paradox and the boundary conditions of life purposeful activity hypotheses.
作者 舒也
出处 《浙江社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第11期78-84,158,共7页 Zhejiang Social Sciences
关键词 系统论 Sy=s{C I S B E} F=I(C S B E) 机器人种佯谬 系统方法 生命目的性行为临界条件 价值 人文价值的灭失 General System Theory system analysis method Sy = s { C,I,S,B,E } F = I(C,S,B,E) robot race paradox boundary conditions of life purposeful activity hypotheses loss of the humanistic value
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