
东亚镜像中的“国清寺” 被引量:1

Guoqing Temple in the Mirror of East Asia
摘要 陈隋之际是中国重新走向统一的重要时期,也是中国佛教界经过各宗长期的教理探索与传教实践,谋求各种学说融合与统一的气运日趋高涨之时。由中国人独自创建的第一个佛教宗派天台宗,便在这个历史关键时刻应运而生。天台宗的大乘思想、中国元素、兼容并蓄等特点,使其在汉译佛教圈内迅速传播,日本与朝鲜先后创立本国的天台宗。日本与朝鲜的天台宗信徒不仅视中国天台山国清寺为祖庭,历代巡礼求法者不绝于途;而且把国清寺移植到本国,通过这些镜像传递中国文化基因的同时,在本土化过程中萌生出新文化元素。 During the Chen( 557 A. D.-589 A. D.) and Sui( 581 A. D.-618 A. D.) dynasty,China was at an important period of ongoing re-unification. At the same time,spanning nearly five hundred years,Buddhism had gone through a long- term exploration of doctrine and preaching practice. The longing to integrate the theories of different sects for unification took on an upbeat atmosphere. Tiantai sect emerged at this historic moment as the first Buddhist sect founded by Chinese Buddhist independently. Tiantai sect has various traits such as Mahayana thoughts,Chinese elements and compatibility,which provided it to be flourishing among the circles of Buddhism of Chinese Translation. Both Japan and Korea founded their own local 'Tiantai sect'successively.The Guoqing Temple is the headquarters of Tiantai sect. Originally established in 601 A. D.,the Emperor Yang of Sui re- named it Guoqing Temple in 605 A. D. In 804 A. D.,Japanese monk Saicho pilgrimaged to Tiantai Mountain and then founded the Tendai Hokeshu upon his return to Japan. Saicho called the Hieizan as'Tiantai Mountain'and the Enryaku-ji as'Guoqing Temple'. In 1085 A. D.,Uicheon,who left Goryeo for the acquisition of Buddhist scriptures in China,founded the Cheontae( Korean Tiantai sect) and established the Goryeo 'Guoqing Temple'.Buddhist from Korean Peninsula and Japanese Archipelago not only considered the Chinese Guoqing Temple on Tiantai Mountain as their ancestor court but also 'transplanted'the Chinese Guoqing Temple by duplicating a similar Guoqing Temple in their own countries. They pilgrimagedto China like the stars in multitude during this lengthy period. Through all these mirror images in their memories,the gene of Chinese culture was spread and new cultural elements were budded through the process of localization.
作者 王勇
出处 《浙江社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第11期90-95,158-159,共6页 Zhejiang Social Sciences
关键词 高丽王子义天 高丽国清寺 日本求法僧最澄 日本天台法华宗 Prince Uicheon of Goryeo Goryeo 'Guoqing Temple' Japanese Buddhist monk Saicho Tendai Hokeshu
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