

Component Extraction Based on Design Documents
摘要 为了从目标系统有效提取构件,达到软件复用的目的,文章提出了一种基于设计文档的组件提取技术。该方法通过借助计算机辅助软件工程工具设计目标系统,针对该设计文档提取概念组件及系统的体系结构,并使用可扩展标记语言元素和特征元匹配度验证提取结果的准确性,为软件复用提供了依据。实验通过两个实例:产品资源管理平台和转专业系统,说明该方法的应用,其中文件上传概念组件和数据转储概念组件得到提取和验证,并成功复用实现系统功能。结果表明,该方法不仅提供可重用的构件框架,而且提高了软件复用的成功率。 In order to extract components from the target system effectively and achieve the goal of software reuse, a component extraction method based on design documents was proposed in this paper. Computer aided software engineering tools were used to design the target system, then concept components and system architecture were extracted from this design documents. After the accuracy of extract result was verified by extensible markup language element and matching degree of characteristic element, foundation for software reuse was provided in this way. The application of this method was illustrated through two practical applications: product resource management platform and change-major student system. During this process, concept components of file Upload and data Dump were extracted and verified, and components which match these concept components were reused successfully for the system. The result shows that the proposed method not only provides a framework of reusable components, but also improves the success rate of software reuse.
出处 《集成技术》 2015年第6期46-52,共7页 Journal of Integration Technology
关键词 组件提取 概念组件 语义分析 软件复用 component extraction concept component semantic analysis software reuse
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