目的应用有创机械通气评估表作为评估ICU机械通气效果及其临床研究意义。方法 2014年1月-2014年12月期间成人有创机械通气患者随机分为两组,实验组为62人应用有创机械通气评估表对ICU成人有创机械通气患者进行评估并依据评估结果进行针对性的护理,对照组58人进行常规护理,对比实施前后患者有效通气率、成功拔管率及患者护理服务满意率。结果实验组患者有效通气率为96.77%(对照组为93.1%),成功拔管率为90.32%(对照组为84.48%),患者护理服务满意率为98.39%(对照组为93.10%),均与对照组满意率具有显著性差异。结论有创机械通气评估表可以作为有创机械通气护理质量控制的一种量表,并且可以在病案中充分反映患者在进行有创呼吸治疗过程中的临床表现及潜在危险因素,可规范护理行为提高护理工作效率。
Objective To evaluate the mechanical ventilation effect and its clinical research significance in ICU with the application of invasive mechanical ventilation assessment form. Methods The adult patients who adopted mechanical ventilation from January to December 2014 were divided into two groups randomly. The 62 cases in the experimental group were evaluated with the application of invasive mechanical ventilation assessment form and then received relevant nursing measures while the 58 cases in the control group received normal nursing service, then compared the effective ventilation rate, successful extubation rate and the satisfaction of patients before and after the application. Results The effective ventilation rate of patients in the experimental group was 96. 77% while in the control group was 93.01%, the successful extubation rate in the experimental group was 90. 32% while in the control group was 84. 48%, the satisfaction rate of patients in the experimental group was 98.39% while in the control group was 93.10%, which had significant difference with the control group. Conclusions The invasive mechanical ventilation assessment form could be a kind of scale in the quality control of ventilation nursing, and could also indicate the clinical features and potential risk factors of the patients during their invasive respiratory treatment process through the medical records, as well as standardize the nursing behaviors and improve the nursing work efficiency at the same time.
Chinese Medical Record
Invasive mechanical ventilation
Nursing records
Nursing quality