Aerospace Dongfanghong development Ltd. Shenzhen (Shenzhen Dongfanghong) subsidiary of China Academy of Space Technology (CAST), CASC, was founded in Octo- ber 2008. As a microsatellite system design and integration provider of CASC, Shenzhen Dongfanghong has the ability to design, development, assembly, integrate and test micro- satellites. In order to adapt to the rapid developing micro- satellite market, Shenzhen Dongfanghong is exploring and practicing a commercialized satellite operation mode. It has developed a series of products, applying space technology in the areas of high-altitude meteorological detection and ma- rine environmental monitoring.
BRIEF INTRODUCTION Aerospace Dongfanghong development Ltd.Shenzhen(Shenzhen Dongfanghong)subsidiary of China Academy of Space Technology(CAST),CASC,was founded in October 2008.As a microsatellite system design and integration provider of CASC,Shenzhen Dongfanghong has the ability to design,development,assembly,integrate and test microsatellites.In order to adapt to the rapid developing microsatellite market,Shenzhen Dongfanghong is exploring and practicing a commercialized satellite operation mode.It