

Research on the Standard of Minority Costumes
摘要 通过标准的研制和实施,对民族服饰的核心文化元素和传统制作工艺进行固化和有效传播。以文字和款式图描述服饰特质,用图片再现服饰实物,通过水粉工笔画还原服饰效果,用裁剪图归纳服饰制作方法,图文并茂刻画服饰制作工艺,以资料性附录记录服饰中蕴含的民间文学。少数民族服饰标准研究迈出了标准化支撑民族文化领域的第一步。 The core cultural dements and the traditional production process of minority costumes have been recorded and passed on through the formulation and implementation of standards. This paper describes the characteristics of costumes with text and structure figure of style pattern, shows the real costumes with pictures, restores costumes' effect through gouache paintings, summarizes the methods of sewing dress through dress cutting diagram, describes the dress production process with text and picture, as well as records the folk literature contained in costumes using file attachments. The research on the standard of minority costumes has taken the first step for the national culture field to be supported by standardization.
出处 《标准科学》 2015年第11期43-45,58,共4页 Standard Science
基金 云南省标准化研究项目"云南省少数民族服饰系列标准研制"(项目编号:2015BZHXM01)资助
关键词 少数民族服饰 标准 研究 minority costumes, standard, research
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