

Method and Experiment of Homogenizing Bubble-seawater Biphase Media at Cool Seeps on Seafloor
摘要 针对海底冷泉天然气渗漏流量声波测量需要介质声阻抗均匀的要求,提出了气泡四元破碎方法,设计了一种气泡-海水两相介质均匀化装置.气泡-海水两相介质均匀化装置的功能包括两个部分:气泡破碎和气泡空间分布均匀化,其作用先将大气泡破碎成小气泡,然后再对小气泡的空间分布均匀化.实验结果表明:气泡-海水两相介质均匀化装置能够将直径大于15 mm的气泡破碎为当量直径为4~5 mm且空间分布均匀;另外气泡的流速基本在0.3~0.4 m/s内;达到天然气渗漏流量声波测量的要求. As the method of measuring bubble flow from cool seeps on seafloor using acoustic transmission needs the media of homogeneity of acoustic impedance, the way of quaternary crushing bubbles is proposed and the biphase media of bubble-seawater homogenization device is designed. It includes two parts: bubble collapse and uniform distribution. The function of the biphase media of bubble-seawater homogenization device is that it can break big bubbles into small bubbles and let the small bubbles distribute evenly. The results of experiment show that the biphase media of bubble-seawater homogenization device can break the diameter of bubbles greater than 15 mm into 4 - 5 mm and distribute them uniformly. The rising velocity of bubble is 0. 3 - 0.4 m/s, which can satisfy the requirement of the method of measuring bubble flow from cool seeps on seafloor using acoustic transmission.
出处 《广东工业大学学报》 CAS 2015年第4期72-76,共5页 Journal of Guangdong University of Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(41176034 41476028 11174299) 中国科学院三亚深海科学与工程研究所知识创新工程领域前沿资助项目(SIDSSE-201208)
关键词 声波测量 声阻抗均匀 气泡破碎 海底冷泉天然气 acoustic measurement homogeneity of acoustic impedance bubble collapse bubble flow from cool seeps on seafloor
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