
基于最小割理论的交通疏散逆向车道设置 被引量:3

Study on contra flow management based on the theory of minimum cut
摘要 针对城市道路网中的应急交通疏散问题,研究如何选择合适的路段实行逆向管理。基于网络最大流最小割理论,设计了瓶颈释放启发式算法,通过不断寻找网络最小割来释放潜在瓶颈,增加路网的疏散通行能力。本研究旨在为逆向车道路段的选择提供参考。 Based on the theory of network minimum cut, a bottleneck release heuristic algorithm is designed to optimize the choice of links for contra flow management during traffic evacuation in urban road networks. To maximize the capacity of road network in evacuation direction, the algorithm focuses on identifying possible traffic bottleneck by searching the minimum cut of road net- work iteratively, which will give an alternative set of Contra flow links. In each iteration, the capacity of the links included in the minimum cut of current network is increased by contra flow management and a new network is constructed with maximum recoded flow value. The algorithm keeps searching the minimum cut until the maximum flow does not improve. A numerical example is illustrated at last to caption the application of the method.
出处 《中国科技论文》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第19期2295-2297,共3页 China Sciencepaper
基金 教育部人文社科基金资助项目(12XJCZH002) 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金资助项目(20116204120005)
关键词 交通管理 应急疏散 逆向车道 最大流 最小割 瓶颈释放 traffic management emergency evacuation contra flow maximum flow minimum cut bottleneck release
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