
APEC框架下的绿色供应链议题:进展与展望 被引量:6

Green Supply Chain Under the APEC Framework: Progress and Prospects
摘要 2014年APEC会议中,绿色供应链议题迈出了至关重要的一步,尽管从其长期发展来看,仅仅是刚开始。绿色供应链契合了中国在新时期对环境保护政策发展的战略性要求。把供应链与可持续发展联系起来既有利于中国减少生态足迹,对于全球实现绿色转型也有重要意义。推动绿色供应链合作,应该利用好包括APEC在内的多个平台,基于绿色供应链的原则和规范,在双边、区域和多边的国际合作中积极探索操作实践及其制度化:在"一带一路"的建设过程中贯彻其原则与规范,在国际贸易中探索绿色供应链管理。 The green supply chain agenda have become more recognized thanks to the APEC conferences in 2014,although in the long term,it is only the beginning.The breakthrough lies in the consensus the APEC members reached on the principles and norms of green supply chain,which paves the way for relevant rules-making.The proposal for APEC Cooperation Network on Green Supply Chain corresponds to the strategic demand for strengthening environmental protection in China.Connecting supply chain with sustainable development will help China reduce its global ecological footprint,which is of great significance for green transformation worldwide.To further promote international cooperation on green supply chain,more policy supports,especially those related to trade policies and practices,are needed.It is necessary to make full use ofthe APEC framework and other platforms to explore feasible ways to promote green supply chain at bilateral,regional and multilateral levels.The principles and norms of green supply chain should be embodied in the implementation of the Silk Road initiative.
作者 谢来辉
出处 《国际经济评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期132-147,7-8,共16页 International Economic Review
基金 中国-东盟环境保护合作中心的研究资助
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