2006年在北京市顺义区布置了糯玉米肥料效应试验,研究氮磷钾的不同配比对糯玉米产量和养分吸收的影响,确定当地糯玉米的氮磷钾适宜施用量。采用"3414"部分实施设计,3次重复,完全随机区组设计。试验结果表明,处理3(N1P2K2)纯收入为19594元/hm2,是所有处理组合中最高的,为最佳施肥组合。不同施肥处理对糯玉米籽粒中的养分含量影响不大,但对糯玉米秸秆中的养分含量影响较大。在本试验条件下,氮肥和磷肥的推荐用量应保持在中等水平,而钾肥的增产作用不明显。该地区糯玉米生产的氮、磷肥推荐用量分别为120kg N/hm2和90kg K2O/hm2。
A partly '3414' fertilizer experiment was conducted to study the effects of N,P and K application on the yield and nutrient uptake of waxy maize in Shunyi district of Beijing city in 2006.Results indicated that the treatment of N1P2K2 have the greatest economic return,which is 19 594 yuan/hm2.The ratio of input to output of this treatment is 16.9.Different fertilizer treatments have greater influence on nutrient concentration in waxy maize straw than that in grain.Based on the experimental results and the local agricultural production status,we recommend the optimum nitrogen and phosphorus rates should be 120 kg N/hm2 and 90 kg P2O5/hm2,respectively.
waxy maize
'3414' fertilizer experiment
nutrient uptake