
论当代西方技术理性主义教师教育思想 被引量:5

Rational Use of Teaching Technique:Analysis of Technical Rationalism Thought of Teacher Education
摘要 基于第二次世界大战后各国对教师数量和质量的迫切需求,技术理性主义教师教育思想于20世纪六七十年代在全球盛行,其核心是对教师进行合理、规范的教学训练。它是以实证主义哲学、行为主义心理学和要素主义教育哲学为理论基础,强调教师对教学技巧的理性运用,提升教师的教学能力,在此思想指导下,微格教学和资格能力本位的教师教育实践模式得以发展。许多国家因此有效地缓解了教师数量短缺和质量偏低的问题,创新了教师培养模式。 Based on the urgent need of teachers' quantity and quality,the teacher edu-cation thought of technical rationalism was popular in the world in the 1960 s and 1970 s,whose core idea is the rational use of teaching techniques by teachers and improving teach-ers' teaching ability. Its theoretical bases are empirical philosophy,behavioral psychologyand essentialism educational philosophy. Under the guidance of technical rationalismthought of teacher education,teacher education practice models,namely microteachingmodel and competence-based model had been developed,and had innovated teacher educa-tion models,which is significant for the improvement of college and university-based teach-er education nowadays.
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第11期52-62,共11页 Studies in Foreign Education
基金 教育部委托项目 华中师范大学中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目"‘医教结合’:复合型特殊教育培养模式的创新研究"(项目编号:教师司[2013]13号 CCNU14JY0003) 湖北省教师教育研究中心项目(项目编号:bjsjy201314)
关键词 技术理性 教师教育思想 教学技巧 technical rationality teacher education thought teaching techniques
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