

Basis and Standard of Privately Contracted Armed Security Guards' Use of Force Against Pirates
摘要 随着海盗行为的猖獗,航运公司使用私营海上武装保安防卫海盗袭击越来越普遍。国际习惯法和各国国内法都承认,个体在遭受不法攻击时可以使用武力自卫。但国际海洋法中缺乏对个体在海上使用武力自卫的规定,且各国对自卫的一般规定和针对私营海上武装保安使用武力自卫的进一步指南各有不同,难于对商船上私营海上武装保安使用武力自卫提供明确和可预见性的法律规则指引。因此,为更好地利用这种保护航运业的有效措施,使用武力自卫的规则应当在国际范围内实现统一。 With the rampant piracy,employing privately armed security guards on board against pirates’ attack has become more and more popular with shipping companies.Consequently,the basis of armed security guards’ use of force to combat pirates has been at issue.When an individual is confronted with an illegal attack,he or she is entitled to use force for self-defense,which is recognized by the customary international law and national laws.However,regarding the use of force for self-defense,there are no specific provisions in the maritime international law and there exist various versions of guidelines in the national laws,which make it difficult to provide privately armed security guards on board with clear and predictable laws and regulations in the use of force for self-defense.Therefore,in order to make better use of these effective measures to protect the shipping industry,the rules of force use for self-defense should achieve unity in the international level.
出处 《东北大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期625-630,共6页 Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)
基金 辽宁省高校创新团队支持计划资助项目(WT2012002)
关键词 私营海上武装保安 海盗行为 自卫 privately contracted armed security guard piracy self-defense
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