

Study on diagnosis of plasma parameters in ECWR system
摘要 电子回旋波共振(ECWR)技术是利用电磁波与电学各向异性材料(如带有外加静磁场的低压等离子体)的相互作用来实现的,该技术可在低压力下产生高密度等离子体,广泛用于微电子刻蚀、薄膜材料沉积等加工过程。等离子体的参数对刻蚀速率、表面成膜质量有着至关重要的影响,因此进行等离子体参数的测量研究能够促进电子回旋波共振技术的发展与应用。本文设计了朗缪尔探针检测装置,使用OES光谱检测仪对ECWR设备放电时的等离子体参数进行检测,并对检测结果进行了分析。结果表明,当直流电流强度为4.1A时,系统内部发生了电子回旋共振效应。 Electron cyclotron wave resonance (ECWR) technique is based on the interaction of electromagnetic wave and the electrical anisotropy materials like low pressure plasma with a small superimposed static magnetic field . ECWR can produce a high density plasma at low pressure . It is widely used in microelectronic etching and thin film deposition process . In these processes , the plasma parameters have significant effect on etching rate and the quality of coating . Therefore , the measurement of plasma parameters is very useful to promote the development and application of electron cyclotron wave resonance technology . In this paper , we design a Langmuir probe device and use OES spectrometer to detect the plasma discharge parameters of ECWR system . According to the preliminary test results , electron cyclotron wave resonance effect occurred when the DC current reach 4 . 1A .
出处 《真空》 CAS 2015年第6期42-45,共4页 Vacuum
关键词 电子回旋波共振 朗缪尔探针 OES光谱检测 等离子体诊断 ECWR Langmuir probe OES plasma diagnostic
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